The Bethesda Towel |
Judyth's Logical Fallacy |
A partial quote from Judyth's "find" "Please read, copy and share! Here is evidence of conspiracy. A SIMPLE LOGO ON A TOWEL AT A HOSPITAL PROVES IT. Witnesses stated JFK's wounds were altered prior to the carefully-restricted and incomplete autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital: the throat wound was grossly enlarged to hide evidence of an entry wound from the front and the top of the skull was smashed, as if by a hammer. Evidence of gunshot wounds from the front thus were covered up. The only hospital close enough to Bethesda was Walter Reed--an ARMY Hospital. NOW SEE PHOTO #1: JFK is on an autopsy table. We were told this photo was taken at BETHESDA -- the Navy Hospital where the autopsy was conducted, but the towel in the photo says otherwise!" Look carefully at the photo of the hospital blanket insignia under JFK's head. On photo 2, NOTE the insignia on the towel. It's wrinkled, but it's plainly an insignia -- a logo. This kind of insignia is found on ARMY hospital towels and blankets -- NOT on NAVY hospital towels and blankets. Would an ARMY towel be under JFK's head in a NAVY Hospital? (Bethesda) But there it is. Navy towels and blankets didn't have any logos. They only said "U S NAVY" or "U S N." This is known as an argument from ignorance.
Here is a closer look at the insignia image |
It would seem Judyth never bothered to INVESTIGATE the insignia before discussing it. The insignia, as a symbol of medicine, is called a caduceus. Without evidence she reports it was only used by the Army. This leads to her false conclusion that a caduceus on a blanket in Bethesda Naval Hospital proves some sort conspiracy/cover-up. Casual Internet research on her part would show the caduceus was used by both the Navy Medical Corps and the Army (examples shown below) and to this day is generally used within the medical profession. Curiously for some reason it's use began in the United States in the late 1800's - by mistake. The actual Greek symbol for medicine is known as the Rod of Asclepius with one snake not two. |
Army Caduceus |
Rod of Asclepius |
Navy Caduceus |
Dave Perry December 10, 2017